If you do not make time for your wellness, you will be forced to make a lot of time for your illness.
One thing that will definitely make you ill is drinking sugar. Even if you think it is healthy sugar from fruit juice. Fruit juice is not a healthy alternative. Fruits and vegetables were meant to be eaten not drank. The fiber besides being good for your microbiome in your gut contains the co factors to be able to tolerate the sugar in the fruit. Fruit juice is pure sugar.
We have all heard by now that High Fructose Corn Syrup is a highly dangerous food additive. Plain old regular fructose is not a healthy sweetener as well. Fructose is a non essential dietary sugar. Fructose is actually known to be a contributor to obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, and high triglycerides and LDL cholesterol. Additionally, it is thought that fructose has some very definite ties to cancer.
A 12 ounce glass of orange juice contains 37 grams of sugar, mostly in the form of fructose. A 12 oz. glass of apple juice has 40 grams of sugar. Fruit juice contains no fiber. The fructose in it goes to the liver for processing and it winds up in fat cells. Sugar also goes straight into your bloodstream and causes insulin release and that also makes you fat. The new fat can be stored in the liver and we see a lot of fatty liver disease these days. Many of those fat cells turn into triglycerides which is the real factor that should be measured regarding heart disease. One glass of grape juice a day can create insulin resistance within 3 months. 2 glasses of juice a day can double your probability of getting gout.
Another problem with liquid calories is you continue to eat a lot more calories. They do not fill you up. Juice makes you want to eat more. Children in one study demonstrated a 60% increased chance of obesity with each serving of sugar sweetened beverages. The fresh natural juice you are buying in a store can be a year old. They can accomplish that by eliminating the oxygen in the juice. This makes it taste bad. So then they add flavors to make it taste like juice again. Brands like Tropicana and Minute Maid always taste the same because of these flavor packs that are added to their juice that was made in giant vats and sat somewhere for months. These flavor packs do not resemble anything in nature even though you think you are buying something natural. The smoothie you are buying in a juice shop is not good for you. You may think you are eating something natural and good for you, but you are contributing to your illness.